Book Project Update

I don’t know how other writers work, but personally, I live and die by my outlines. Getting the outline right is the key for me to have a successful writing project. I’ve been working on the outline for the new incense book and it is nearing completion. It has grown from a 2 page broad overview to a 9 page deep look at the book’s organization. I would guess the final version will be 12 pages or so.

Of course, as the project progresses there will be changes. As more people look at the work, the more it may change. That’s part of the process. When I was first published I really resented that. “We had a meeting. Here are the notes for you.” As I wrote more I learned, painfully at times, that this is actually a very good thing. It is true that sometimes decisions made by committees can be disastrous but those “extra eyes” can also prevent major mishaps.

Before sending a proposal to a publisher I want to get the first draft of the outline as perfect as possible. They can’t ever be truly perfect, but the closer the better. It’s not only important for me to use as the skeleton of the book, it’s also important for translating my vision of the project to the publisher. At least in the world of non-fiction, subtly in a proposal is easily overlooked. I want everything to be clear and easy to see at a glance. Most publishers receive tons of unsolicited manuscripts. To be published without an agent requires that your proposal will be noticed and given at least a cursory review. If the outline clearly conveys your vision and demonstrates reasonable knowledge and organization, you might get a second glance. First draft or final draft, I want the outline to hit the target every time.


Living In A Censer


The Unusual Problems of the Incense Maker